Land Investment Loans Where Can I Find A Loan For A Manufactured Home With Land, That Is In An "unhabitable" Condiition Now?

Where can I find a loan for a manufactured home with land, that is in an "unhabitable" condiition now? - land investment loans

My wife and I look forward to a prefabricated house with 1.8 hectares of land in South Carolina, is a double-wide house on a permanent basis, currently "uninhabited" that the wells were removed and it is possible some electrical work. Try to find a mortgage that is killing us. Our ratings are in the low 700's. We have already twice for that would have approved this purchase. Are there other options, such as obtaining rent held as investment property, money or land on them? I need to know if this is possible, or there is a possibility that the system of loan you super hard to handle, obtained a loan for a home.


lepr0kan said...

It is possible, though in this market can be very difficult, especially in the prefab. Consider obtaining a loan for the investment. The house will be to assess what if your purchase. Then, if you made a few alterations and it seems that you can live on the refinancing, you will be able to get a lower rate and easier to find a mortgage. Good luck.

RickRN said...

You will not find a bank willing to invest for this object. I begin with the local cooperative bank and see about a loan. You may have your bag with substantial down payment to leave.

sudha k said...

Hi friend getting loan is very easy to ... Take a look at the following link for the free loan quote

petey00p... said...

Why not treat is easy to take as a country .... THE HOUSE THAT THE TIME IN GOOD CONDITION or not, it irrelavant ....

Sabrina Devareoux said...

reflect the values of manufactured homes burned down, never. I think it is better to buy a small house and fixing up, and make more money than you would if you sold the house and property manufactured for 5 years from when you bought in almost new condition.

Sabrina Devareoux said...

reflect the values of manufactured homes burned down, never. I think it is better to buy a small house and fixing up, and make more money than you would if you sold the house and property manufactured for 5 years from when you bought in almost new condition.

Sabrina Devareoux said...

reflect the values of manufactured homes burned down, never. I think it is better to buy a small house and fixing up, and make more money than you would if you sold the house and property manufactured for 5 years from when you bought in almost new condition.

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