Tummy Honey Cream Is Tummy Honey Butter A Good Stretch Mark Cream?

Is Tummy honey butter a good stretch mark cream? - tummy honey cream

I am looking for a cream to reduce the risk of me, because stretch marks and asked me, butter, honey stomach for a good cause!
AT 30 weeks pregnant and started with Cocoa Butter Palmer when I was 10 weeks pregnant and pregnant past the honey butter on my belly 26 weeks! and until now I have stretch marks. But I wonder what is better, butter or honey, use Tummy Palmer?

Sure, many, indeed, will reduce drinking water to stretch marks?


swilde82... said...

Use Palmer's Cocoa Butter

Jesse R said...

YES! It works very well (Tummy Honey Butter) I do have to arrive earlier for 4 months and not even stretch marks! My belly was huge, too, was only 109 pounds when I was pregnant and my baby weighs almost 9 pounds at birth. It smells better than the palm. Tummy Butter is really surprising, is a little greasy, but only rubs every night before bed. Drink lots of water can contribute to the better hydrated you are the more elasticity you to all body tissues including the skin ....

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